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My name is Elin Johnson and this is my blog! I strive to raise awareness for physical and mobile disabilities and meet new people. Eventually, I want The Helping Hand to transition into an organization that helps those with physical disabilities such as fundraising for accommodations and accessible equipment or hosting motivational events. 

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My Story

When I was six months old, the doctors found a terrifying truth: I had a stroke in utero. I survived with a disability called schizencephaly, which is a rare birth defect by clefts in the cerebral brain hemispheres. The disability caused weakness and semi-paralysis all along the left side of my body, meaning that I would always live with this condition. The doctors claimed that it would be unlikely for me to be able to talk or walk. However, through God's miracle, I started talking early and took my first steps a few days after my second birthday. 


Throughout my eighteen years with my disability, I have confronted many challenges. By undergoing long and hard processes to receive accommodations, hearing false stereotypes about me, and facing public discrimination, I knew that something needed to change. Right now, my blog serves as a safe space to raise awareness for physical disabilities, and so far, it has been a success. I thank God everyday that He gave me this opportunity.


If you have additional questions about my story or purpose, please feel free to contact me!

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